List of Leap Years from 1900 to 3000
Why will 2024 be a leap year?
When will the next leap year take place? Are 1900, 2020, 2024, 2100, ..., 3000 leap years? Do leap years take place every 4 years? What is the list of leap years for past and future years?
2024 | 2028 | 2032 | 2036 | 2040 | |
Leap years have 366 days and a February 29. They take place, except in special cases every 4 years. |
2024 will be the next leap year?
Why will 2024 be a leap year? To check if a year is a leap year, it must be divisible by 4 and not divisible by 100 or divisible by 400.
If we take the example of the year 2024, the number 2024 is both divisible by 4 (2024/4=506) and not divisible by 100 (2024/100=20,24). So 2024 will be a leap year and it was the same for the last leap year which took place on February 29th 2020.
Contrary to what one might think leap years do not always occur every 4 years: there are exceptions. The table below will allow you to notice it.
List of leap years from 1900 to 3000
1904, 2000, 2024, 2096 what is the list of leap years past and future? Use the table below to consult the list of leap years from 1900 to 3000. We have shown in red the 9 years which during this period are not when we might have thought the opposite.
1900 | 1904 | 1908 | 1912 | 1916 | 1920 | 1924 | 1928 | 1932 | 1936 |
1940 | 1944 | 1948 | 1952 | 1956 | 1960 | 1964 | 1968 | 1972 | 1976 |
1980 | 1984 | 1988 | 1992 | 1996 | 2000 | 2004 | 2008 | 2012 | 2016 |
2020 | 2024 | 2028 | 2032 | 2036 | 2040 | 2044 | 2048 | 2052 | 2056 |
2060 | 2064 | 2068 | 2072 | 2076 | 2080 | 2084 | 2088 | 2092 | 2096 |
2100 | 2104 | 2108 | 2112 | 2116 | 2120 | 2124 | 2128 | 2132 | 2136 |
2140 | 2144 | 2148 | 2152 | 2156 | 2160 | 2164 | 2168 | 2172 | 2176 |
2180 | 2184 | 2188 | 2192 | 2196 | 2200 | 2204 | 2208 | 2212 | 2216 |
2220 | 2224 | 2228 | 2232 | 2236 | 2240 | 2244 | 2248 | 2252 | 2256 |
2260 | 2264 | 2268 | 2272 | 2276 | 2280 | 2284 | 2288 | 2292 | 2296 |
2300 | 2304 | 2308 | 2312 | 2316 | 2320 | 2324 | 2328 | 2332 | 2336 |
2340 | 2344 | 2348 | 2352 | 2356 | 2360 | 2364 | 2368 | 2372 | 2376 |
2380 | 2384 | 2388 | 2392 | 2396 | 2400 | 2404 | 2408 | 2412 | 2416 |
2420 | 2424 | 2428 | 2432 | 2436 | 2440 | 2444 | 2448 | 2452 | 2456 |
2460 | 2464 | 2468 | 2472 | 2476 | 2480 | 2484 | 2488 | 2492 | 2496 |
2500 | 2504 | 2508 | 2512 | 2516 | 2520 | 2524 | 2528 | 2532 | 2536 |
2540 | 2544 | 2548 | 2552 | 2556 | 2560 | 2564 | 2568 | 2572 | 2576 |
2580 | 2584 | 2588 | 2592 | 2596 | 2600 | 2604 | 2608 | 2612 | 2616 |
2620 | 2624 | 2628 | 2632 | 2636 | 2640 | 2644 | 2648 | 2652 | 2656 |
2660 | 2664 | 2668 | 2672 | 2676 | 2680 | 2684 | 2688 | 2692 | 2696 |
2700 | 2704 | 2708 | 2712 | 2716 | 2720 | 2724 | 2728 | 2732 | 2736 |
2740 | 2744 | 2748 | 2752 | 2756 | 2760 | 2764 | 2768 | 2772 | 2776 |
2780 | 2784 | 2788 | 2792 | 2796 | 2800 | 2804 | 2808 | 2812 | 2816 |
2820 | 2824 | 2828 | 2832 | 2836 | 2840 | 2844 | 2848 | 2852 | 2856 |
2860 | 2864 | 2868 | 2872 | 2876 | 2880 | 2884 | 2888 | 2892 | 2896 |
2900 | 2904 | 2908 | 2912 | 2916 | 2920 | 2924 | 2928 | 2932 | 2936 |
2940 | 2944 | 2948 | 2952 | 2956 | 2960 | 2964 | 2968 | 2972 | 2976 |
2980 | 2984 | 2988 | 2992 | 2996 | 3000 | ||||
The years 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2500, 2600, 2700, 2900 and 3000 are not leap years. |
Print our list of leap years from 1900 to 3000
Print our infographic and keep the list of leap years from 1900 to 3000 handy. If you want to deepen the subject you can consult the wikipedia page dealing with leap years