Libra zodiac sign:
Dates, months, decans and element

The astrological sign of Libra is the 7th sign in the order of the zodiac houses. It is located between the house of Virgo and the house of Scorpio.

This astrological sign is ruled by the planet Venus and is associated with the air element.

People born between September 23 and October 22 are of the sign of Libra.

Libra zodiac sign: dates, months and decans.
Libra zodiac sign: dates, months and decans

Astrological sign of Libra: dates, months and decans

Libra : September 23 - October 22 ♎

Each star sign is divided into 3 equal parts, which are called decan. Each part lasts about 10 days. To know your decan, you just need your birthday day and month. For the astrological sign of Libra the dates of the 3 decans are :

Libra sign and decans
Libra - First Decan Libra - Second Decan Libra - Third Decan
September 23 to October 2 October 3 to October 14 October 15 to October 22

Libra Sign - Summary table with months, dates and decans

Libra Astrological Sign: Months, Dates and Decans
Date Zodiac sign Decan
September 23 Libra Decan 1
September 24 Libra Decan 1
September 25 Libra Decan 1
September 26 Libra Decan 1
September 27 Libra Decan 1
September 28 Libra Decan 1
September 29 Libra Decan 1
September 30 Libra Decan 1
October 1 Libra Decan 1
October 2 Libra Decan 1
October 3 Libra Decan 2
October 4 Libra Decan 2
October 5 Libra Decan 2
October 6 Libra Decan 2
October 7 Libra Decan 2
October 8 Libra Decan 2
October 9 Libra Decan 2
October 10 Libra Decan 2
October 11 Libra Decan 2
October 12 Libra Decan 2
October 13 Libra Decan 2
October 14 Libra Decan 3
October 15 Libra Decan 3
October 16 Libra Decan 3
October 17 Libra Decan 3
October 18 Libra Decan 3
October 19 Libra Decan 3
October 20 Libra Decan 3
October 21 Libra Decan 3
October 22 Libra Decan 3
September 23 and October 22 are sign change dates.

Page updated November 24, 2024